Tuesday, 9 January 2007

The Query Letter

A query letter is an outline of your idea or story; You will send a query letter to an editor when you are writing non-fiction. You don't need to send a query letter if your work is a short piece that does not need extensive research, but if your idea will require a lot of time and effort, and is longer than 1,000 words, a query letter is a good idea. If an editor likes your idea you will be armed with a powerful tool when approaching people for interviews; you can truthfully say that "Ms X, editor of xxxx, has shown interest in this piece."

A query letter is short, formal but not stuffy, and professionally presented. It will be as polished as you can make it, and will be written so as to catch the editor's eye. Don't just rush off a letter to a publisher without first doing some research.

Will the piece you are planning fit the publication you are approaching? Why will it appeal to the reader's of that publication? You could speak about this in your query letter, and quote some of your research to show the editor that you have done your homework, and that you are a professional.

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